Customer Testimonials

We have been working with MBA Business Software since 1983 when we were doing our processing on a mini-computer. We decided it was time to move to PCs in 1988, so MBA introduced us to Sage MAS 90. They married our legacy inventory and sales order programs with Sage MAS 90's core accounting modules. We really liked Sage MAS 90 and continued to run the character based system until 1998 when we thought we had found a solution that combined both our accounting and manufacturing functions. After struggling for two years, we were ready to have MBA and Sage MAS 90 back! We found just the right software for the foundry and were delighted when MBA installed the new Windows version of Sage MAS 90
Shirley Thomas, VP and Controller - Lodge Manufacturing Company

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90 Minds
90 Minds Consulting Group is an 
association of proactive consulting professionals who combine technology skills while still operating their own independent companies.

MBA Business Software
6100 Lake Forrest Drive, 
Suite 520
Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328
(P) 678-495-5700 
(F) 770-399-5772

Remote Office
Chicago, Illinois
