Is Your Software Worth What You Paid For It?
Accounting principles teach us to value business assets at acquisition cost. Dutifully, you’ve booked your Sage MAS 90 or Sage MAS 200 ERP software at its purchase price. But is this truly what it is worth to your business? Accounting software is just a tool, like a lathe or a milling machine. What that investment actually contributes to the welfare of your business depends heavily on the skill of the operator running it.
User Training – Getting What You Paid For
Much of the value paid for in the purchase price of software is lost when its users have inadequate training to operate it. If your users got half the training they needed, how can you expect all of what the software is capable of doing? For most businesses, good employees are the most important aspect of a successful and thriving operation. But what makes an employee good? Can you make them better by paying them more money? Not really. We do know there is a relationship between compensation and ability. In most cases, more knowledgeable employees cost more money. But paying an employee more money doesn’t make them more knowledgeable. Rather, it is money invested in training that makes an employee more knowledgeable, and therefore, more valuable to your business.
Training is not just for newly purchased software. Within a few years, your business will probably have some employee turnover or job reassignments. How will these employees learn the software they must use to be successful in their new position? If they are instructed by the departing or promoted employee, there’s a good chance that they will learn bad habits and inherit their predecessor’s limited understandings. Cross-training other employees as backup operators will help bridge new employee assignments and preserve the value of prior training. Also within a few years time, the software itself will have changed as new versions are released to keep up with current technology and competition. Without refresher training, employee utilization of software features lags further and further behind the software’s capabilities.
Sage Certified Classroom Training From A Sage Certified Trainer
To assure the availability of comprehensive and uniform training, Sage offers Certified Training through reseller operated Authorized Training Centers and Certified Trainers who instruct using a standard curriculum and course materials provided by Sage. Any Sage reseller may offer training but only those with an on-staff Sage Certified Trainer may offer Sage Certified Training. All of our MAS 90 and MAS 200 training classes are conducted by our Sage Certified Trainer, Ginger McAdams. Students registered for our Certified Training courses will be awarded a Sage Certified Training certificate upon completion. This assures employers that participants have been adequately and properly trained to Sage standards. Students completing our Sage Certified Training classes are eligible for CPE credit. Our classes meet the requirements of O.C.G.A. Section 43-3-25 Chapter 20-11 for Continuing Professional Education.
Receiving training from a Sage Certified Consultant is not the same as completing a Sage Certified Training course taught by a Sage Certified Trainer! Certified Training courses train to Sage standards. Only Certified Trainers are authorized to award Sage Training Certificates.
Free Tuition For Certified Training
You can earn tuition free training for any Sage Certified Training class by being current on MBA’s Software Support Account/Preferred plan. Students pay only the cost for required training manuals. Why would MBA give away Certified Training? There are two good reasons. First, it is value added to our “worry free” support level plan which provides businesses with the highest assurance of getting the expected results from their Sage software. Second, it turns out to be a cost savings to us because the better trained customers put the lowest demand on our support resources.
If you are not on our SSA/Preferred plan and want free training, why not sign up now!