Sage MAS 90 & 200 ERP Product Update 2 ( - Inventory Management

Written by Chris Bishop on .

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Inventory Management 

  1. Re-freezing inventory items will now retain quantities on hand manually counted and entered.
  2. Card Count Report unit cost field is no longer zero for all inventory items.
  3. Extended description entered in P/O or S/O is now correctly displayed in I/M Maint 'Orders' tab.
  4. A new utility IM Balance Inventory Quantity and Cost is now available on the *UTL menu. This utility replaces the IM_BalanceQtyOnHand_ui utility and is no longer available for use.
  5. Cost calc commits are now cleared after connections lost
  6. A new utility IM Balance Inventory Quantity and Cost has been added to the *UTL menu. This new utility replaces the IM_BalanceQtyOnHand_ui hidden utility and will no longer be available.
  7. Negative issue transactions for average cost items are now posted with the Warehouse Average Cost

Tags: Product Update v4.50

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