4 Tips for a Successful Year End
- General Ledger Closing ‐ While it’s a good idea to close modules in a timely fashion, the General Ledger can remain open for as long as you need while awaiting final processing (or audit adjustments) in other Modules. A GL that’s still open for 2017 will NOT prevent you from entering transactions for the new year.
- Payroll Planning ‐ Even if your company is on a fiscal year, you’ll need to close out payroll at the end of the calendar year. All W‐2’s and quarterly reports must be printed before payroll is closed in order to process the first payroll for 2018.
NOTE: This does NOT apply to the new Payroll 2.0 which now allows two calendar years to be open so you don't have to run year‐end tax reports and W‐2's before processing payroll for 2018.
- Check Your Version Number ‐ Closing procedures can vary depending on which version of Sage 100 you’re currently running. For Version 4.0 or above, do the following to identify both your version number and service pack:
Select Help > About Sage 100 - Master Console ‐ Once you’re ready to close, you need to make sure all users are out of the system. That’s where the Master Console comes in handy. This utility provides a snapshot of all users currently logged into Sage 100, the workstation being used, what programs/tasks they’re using, and more. You can also broadcast a message to all users or even shut them down remotely.
To launch the Master Console:
Select File > Master Console
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Tags: Year End