Sage CRM Supplement

Getting Started with Sage CRM Mobile

Business is becoming increasingly mobile. People are using their phones and tablets to access reports, process orders, communicate with customers, and get work done in the office or on the road. So here's a look at getting started with the mobile functionality offered in Sage CRM.

Sage CRM Mobile Web

Sage CRM Mobile Web is a full-featured version of Sage CRM that you access online through your browser, tablet or Smartphone. Offering functionality similar to the desktop version, Sage CRM Mobile Web must be "turned on" by setting the Mobile Device Access option to "True" under the User Details > Security tab.

Once the functionality is turned on, you can also save time accessing Sage CRM Mobile Web by adding a bookmark/icon to your mobile device home screen. Simply navigate to the URL provided by your System Administrator and then click the Add to Home Screen icon.

FRx conversion even easier now!

New Reporting Tree Conversion Utility

We previously introduced you to the Sage Intelligence Report Designer Add-in - an important tool in converting your old FRx reports to Sage Intelligence reports. The only time-consuming task that remained was the process of manually converting your reporting trees - but no more!

A new FRx Reporting Tree Conversion Utility converts FRx Reporting Trees into Sage Intelligence Reporting Trees. It's a great complement to the Report Designer Add-in and together, they significantly speed up the conversion process.

The End is Near for XP

Microsoft-Windows-XP-End-of-SupportThe end is near!

Yes, 2013 is almost over, but that's not what we mean. The end is near for Windows XP! Yes, that old friend that's been with all of us for almost 14 years (yes, we said 14 years) is finally taking a well-deserved retirement in April of this coming year. Don't panic, though. This doesn't mean that XP will suddenly stop working in April. It just means that Microsoft will stop supporting it in terms of technical support, patches and fixes. You will be able to keep using XP on your existing computers past April, but there will no longer be any program or security fixes or patches after that point. This is an area of great concern and a risk that will grow as more time passes past the retirement party. You may (or may not) notice how many updates are still installed each week on your Windows XP computers, each one of which is addressing a functional or security issue Microsoft has identified and fixed.

So, what are you to do?

Contact MBA about getting a plan in place to retire those old XP friends and bring in some young blood. Preferred pricing will be available to those get an agreement in place to upgrade all remaining XP workstations in their organization. Not only will you have newer, well supported computers, but the productivity increase should be a boon for business.

Just imagine, no more complaints about how slow the computer is and no more "Oh, I go and get a cup of coffee while it's working on that!"

This retirement and upgrade opportunity also provides a great reason to get your Sage 100 ERP (formerly known as Sage MAS 90 and 200 ERP) products to a more current version. Newer versions of Windows require a more recent version of Sage 100 ERP. When you're calling MBA about computer upgrades, ask to speak with a Sage specialist about getting your ERP upgraded as well!

Introducing the New Sage Mobile Apps

Sage recently unveiled 3 new mobile apps designed to help businesses improve customer service and cash flow. These new cloud-based solutions are affordable, easy-to-implement, and integrate directly with your Sage 100 ERP system. Let's take a closer look.

Sage Mobile Sales

Sage Mobile Apps

This native iPad app provides your sales team with the information they need to close a sale at the customer site. Sage Mobile Sales enables you to process quotes and orders, take payments, and collect signatures while out in the field. What's more, it automatically links to your Sage 100 ERP system so you can:

  • Access real-time inventory availability anywhere and anytime
  • Review recent orders with your customer and view/edit their information instantly
  • Enter orders on-site and accept immediate payment using your iPad

2013 Year End Updates

Updates for Year end and payroll tax table updates are being released this month. Customers who have the Sage 100 ERP Accounts Payable, Payroll, or Electronic Reporting modules will have updates available to download the week of December 20th, 2013.

  • The Sage 100 ERP 2013 IRD will be needed to update the W-2 and 1099 forms, eFiling, Reporting and the Electronic Reporting module for 2013.
  • Tax Table Update (TTU) will be needed to update the Federal and some states for the Tax Filing Year 2014. This will be in the Sage 100 ERP 2014-Q1 TTU.

Both of these updates will be available for Sage 100 ERP versions 4.40, 4.50, and 2013. More information can be found below in the 2013 Year End Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Sage 100 Supported versions as of 2013

Sage 100 Supported versions (Formerly Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, 200 SQL)
Sage 100 ERP  2013 4.50 4.40 4.30
Release Date Dec-12 Aug-11 Feb-10 Jun-08
Phone or Email Support (Reirement End Date) Yes  9/30/15 9/30/14 9/30/13

Quarterly & Year End updates
   (AP, Payroll & Electronic Reporting)

Yes 12/31/14 12/31/13 12/31/12*
Tax Table Updates Yes 12/31/14 12/31/13 12/31/12*
Product Updates (formerly Service Updates) Yes Yes No No
Hot Fixes** Yes 12/31/14 12/31/13 12/31/12*
Online SUpport Knowledgebase Yes Yes Yes Yes

Important Notice:Tax Year 2013 is the last year we will maintain and support tax forms within the standard Accounts Payable, Payroll and Electronic Reporting modules. Filings for Tax Years 2014 and later will only be available with the Sage 100 ERP integration to Federal and State eFiling and Reporting, powered by Aatrix. The Payroll Tax Tables will continue to be maintained according to this document.

Sage CRM v 7.2b for Sage 100 ERP 2013 announced

While we were at Sage Summit 2013 we got to see some new features and functions on the road map for Sage CRM. The wait to get our hands on some of what we saw is over and it is offical that they have now released version 7.2b to customers. Existing users of Sage CRM can upgrade to the new version to take advantage of the new features and functions being released in this version. For those customer not on Sage CRM, this is a great time to look at Sage CRM and see how you could be benefiting from using it. Contact us to get insight on how to expand your customer contact list and to build stronger customer connections. 

Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Update 4 (

Sage released on 10/09/2013 the forth product update for version 2013 ( Product Updates are cumulative, comprised of all program corrections found in prior updates. Smart Update will install only the programs that need to be updated since your last Product Update Installation. If you choose to install this Product Update on a system that already has Product Update 4 installed, all programs released in Product Updates 1 through 4 will be reinstalled.

MBA Business Software customers that are on Software Support - Preferred (SSA/PF) can contact us to schedule your update to this version. As part of your support plan, minor updates and hot fixes are included. Not on a support plan but are interested? Find out more about what MBA offers for support

Sage 100 ERP Advanced and Premium Smart Update now updates the client workstation automatically. This replaces the need to run WKsUpdate.exe after installing a product update. Users running Sage 100 ERP Standard over a network will still need to run WKsUpdate Standard.exe on each workstation. This program is located in the ..\mas90\wksetup directory on the Sage 100 ERP Standard Server. 

A 64-bit ODBC Driver Installer for Sage 100 ERP 2013 can be found in the ..\mas90\wksetup directory on the Sage 100 ERP 2013 Server. Run the SageODBC64Installer.exe from each Sage 100 ERP Workstation where 64 bit access is desired.

For Users who are integrated with Sage 100 ERP 2013 CRM Version 7.1, a Quick Order Entry 7.1 Component Update.exe is installed to the ..\mas90\RWC directory. Users will need to copy and execute this file on the Sage 100 ERP 2013 CRM 7.1 Server.

All Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Updates will require the installation to be from the Sage 100 ERP Server. Significant enhancements have been introduced in Sage 100 ERP 2013 and its Updates. These include: Smart Update, Workstation Synchronization and Sage Auto Update. Part of these enhancements requires the Product Update to make changes to the local registry, necessitating a server side installation. This Product Update can be installed from the Sage 100 ERP 2013 Server either physically at the console or by connecting to it through Remote Desktop.

Before installing the product update, please note the following:
  • We highly recommend that you back up your system before installing any updates or version upgrades. Otherwise, data may be lost if the update fails.
  • If any customizations have been made to your Sage product, contact your Sage business partner or Master Developer before installing any update.
  • Install this Product Update from the same computer that was used to install the original Sage product to the application server.
  • This Product Update includes fixes from all previous product updates.


Hot Fix
01/22/2014 Sage CRM 7.2C Hot Fix for Sage CRM 7.2
01/22/2014 BM5001-T The Quantity Per Bill and the Total Quantity are the same values on Picking Sheets if a scrap percentage is used. The Total Quantity on the Picking Sheet is not extended.
12/01/2013 Sage CRM 7.1J Hot Fix for Sage CRM 7.1
 11/08/2013  Sage CRM 7.2B  
 10/11/2013  WS5001-T This is an updated eBusiness Web Services install. This update is compatible with program changes installed by Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Update 4. Sage 100 ERP 2013 eBusiness Web Services users should install Product Update 4 and this updated eBusiness Web Services install.

Using Sage CRM and Dropbox?

Dropbox is a free online service that lets you save and share files and documents “in the cloud.”  Any file you save in your Dropbox is synchronized and available across your computer, tablet, and mobile device. It has become popular in the workplace, allowing you to easily share documents with your professional network without emailing huge files.

And now, you can view Dropbox events(uploads, downloads, changes) within Sage CRM, making it easier to track things like brochures and price sheets that you’ve shared with prospects. Click below to learn more:

Using Dropbox in Sage CRM

In the Cloud or on Premise?

You Have Options with Sage CRM

If you’ve been considering Sage CRM but still wondering which version is right for you - in the cloud or in your server room - this article can provide some helpful insight.

Sage CRM Cloud

Sage CRM Cloud is ideal for companies that want to get up and running quickly or have limited in-house IT expertise. Since it’s in the cloud you don’t have to worry about managing servers and workstations, and nightly database backups are performed automatically.

On the financial side, there is no hardware or software to purchase so the up-front costs are minimal. Essentially you’re “renting” Sage CRM, paying monthly for the use of software-as-a-service (SaaS).

One aspect of Sage CRM Cloud to consider is that it does not integrate with your Sage 100 ERP system. Therefore, you wouldn’t experience the workflow and data sharing benefits we’ve discussed in previous blogs of connecting your sales and marketing activities with back-office accounting and operations in one single system and database.

What's New in Sage 100 ERP 2013?

Everything you need to know to determine whether an upgrade to Sage 100 ERP Version 2013 is right for you is all in one place

The website includes clickable interactive product highlights, pre-recorded webcasts, downloadable spec sheets, brochures, and a summary of the top new features.

New to Sage Intelligence Reporting?

Since support for FRx has officially ended, a lot of Sage 100 ERP customers are using Sage Intelligence for the first time. So we wanted to provide you with a summary of all the important enhancements added over the last several months, along with some online resources, user guides, and demo videos that are handy for both Sage Intelligence "newbies" and experienced Sage Intelligence users.

2013-Q3 Tax Table Updates

Important updates to tax calculations are required for some states that may affect your business!

Sage has released the 3rd Quarter payroll update for Sage 100 ERP. This release is available to all SAge 100 ERP customers that are current on Sage Business Care. The update is available for download from the Partner and Customer portals. This update is available for versions 4.4, 4.5 and 2013 (5.0). 

Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Update 3 (

Sage released on 7/01/2013 the third product update for version 2013 ( Product update 7 for version 4.5 was also release at this same time. Product Updates are cumulative, comprised of all program corrections found in prior updates. Smart Update will install only the programs that need to be updated since your last Product Update Installation. If you choose to install this Product Update on a system that already has Product Update 3 installed, all programs released in Product Updates 1 through 3 will be reinstalled.

MBA Business Software customers that are on Software Support - Preferred (SSA/PF) can contact us to schedule your update to this version. As part of your support plan, minor updates and hot fixes are included. Not on a support plan but are interested? Find out more about what MBA offers for support

Sage 100 ERP Advanced and Premium Smart Update now updates the client workstation automatically. This replaces the need to run WKsUpdate.exe after installing a product update. Users running Sage 100 ERP Standard over a network will still need to run WKsUpdate Standard.exe on each workstation. This program is located in the ..\mas90\wksetup directory on the Sage 100 ERP Standard Server. 

A 64-bit ODBC Driver Installer for Sage 100 ERP 2013 can be found in the ..\mas90\wksetup directory on the Sage 100 ERP 2013 Server. Run the SageODBC64Installer.exe from each Sage 100 ERP Workstation where 64 bit access is desired.

For Users who have also installed Sage 100 ERP 2013 CRM, beginning with Product Update 1, a Quick Order Entry Component Update.exe is installed to the ..\mas90\RWC directory. Users will need to copy and execute this file on the Sage 100 ERP 2013 CRM server if they have not already done so.

All Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Updates will require the installation to be from the Sage 100 ERP Server. Significant enhancements have been introduced in Sage 100 ERP 2013 and its Updates. These include: Smart Update, Workstation Synchronization and Sage Auto Update. Part of these enhancements requires the Product Update to make changes to the local registry, necessitating a server side installation. This Product Update can be installed from the Sage 100 ERP 2013 Server either physically at the
console or by connecting to it through Remote Desktop.

Before installing the product update, please note the following:
  • We highly recommend that you back up your system before installing any updates or version upgrades. Otherwise, data may be lost if the update fails.
  • If any customizations have been made to your Sage product, contact your Sage business partner or Master Developer before installing any update.
  • Install this Product Update from the same computer that was used to install the original Sage product to the application server.
  • This Product Update includes fixes from all previous product updates.
Hot Fix
 8/19/2013  MD5001-T  An "Error 47 Program MDWMQI line 9010" occurs when attempting to modify an ALE Lookup using the Lookup Maintenance on the Developer Studio / Dictionary menu.
 8/02/2013  PR5004-T  Additional Medicare tax will calculate for an employee with a zero dollar check or for an employee with subject to Medicare wages equal to zero if the preceding employee has Additional Medicare wages.
 7/18/2013  AR5003-T  "The credit card transaction request to Sage Exchange cannot be processed" or "You have entered an invalid virtual terminal ID and merchant key combination."

Sage 100 ERP 4.50 Product Update 7 (

Sage released on 7/01/2013 the seventh product update for version 4.50 ( Product Updates are cumulative, comprised of all program corrections found in prior updates. Smart Update will install only the programs that need to be updated since your last Product Update Installation. The numbering scheme has been changed for 4.50 Product Updates. The third segment represents the Product Update number. This change was done to accommodate future enhancements. 

MBA Business Software customers that are on Software Support - Preferred (SSA/PF) can contact us to schedule your update to this version. As part of your support plan, minor updates and hot fixes are included. Not on a support plan but are interested? Find out more about what MBA offers for support

After installing this Product Update, WKsUpdate 90.exe or WKsUpdate 200.exe needs to be run on each MAS Workstation. This file is located in the ..\mas90\WkSetup directory on the MAS Server.
(WKsUpdate should also be run anytime WkSetup.exe is run on a MAS Workstation.)

Before installing the product update, please note the following:
  • We highly recommend that you back up your system before installing any updates or version upgrades. Otherwise, data may be lost if the update fails.
  • If any customizations have been made to your Sage product, contact your Sage business partner or Master Developer before installing any update.
  • Install this Product Update from the same computer that was used to install the original Sage product to the application server.
  • After installing the product update, run WksUpdate.exe from the server's ..\Mas90\Wksetup folder at each workstation on which you would like to update the local help files.
  • This Product Update includes fixes from all previous product updates.


Hot Fix
8/02/2013  PR4068-T Additional Medicare tax will calculate for an employee with a zero dollar check or for an employee with subject to Medicare wages equal to zero if the preceding employee has Additional Medicare wages.
7/30/2013  IT4029-T Quantity Break pricing by Product Line calculates incorrectly for eBusiness .Store customers in Shopping Cart.
7/05/2013 WO4020-T Work Order Cost Roll-up Register - when using the % of cost method to calculate overhead, Cost Roll-up incorrectly uses the % of cost from the previous step.

Introducing Visual Process Flows

Thinking about upgrading to Sage 100 ERP 2013? The new release boasts an impressive array of enhancements that are designed to improve productivity, such as the new Visual Process Flows. These graphical, job-oriented diagrams provide a visual representation of your business processes, simplify system navigation, and help you perform daily tasks quickly. Let’s take a closer look at this helpful new feature.

Shortcut to run VI Jobs

VI or Visual Integrator is Sage 100's tool for importing and exporting data from the system. Once jobs are created, they can be run from within Sage 100. What if you need to run VI outside of Sage 100 ERP and want to schedule it and run on a nightly basis? Here is how you would create a shortcut to run the VI Job.

First step would be to create a user and set permissions. It is best to create a specific user for your VI Jobs.

Sage 100 ERP Product Update 6 (

Sage released on 3/26/2013 the six product update for version 4.5 ( Product update 2 for version 2013 was also release at this same time. Product Updates are cumulative, comprised of all program corrections found in prior updates. Product Updates through also contains program corrections that were introduced in - The numbering scheme has been changed for 4.50 Product Updates. The third segment represents the Product Update number. This change was done to accommodate future enhancements.

After installing this Product Update, WKsUpdate 90.exe or WKsUpdate 200.exe needs to be run on each MAS Workstation. This file is located in the ..\mas90\WkSetup directory on the MAS Server. (WKsUpdate should also be run anytime WkSetup.exe is run on a MAS Workstation.)

Hot Fix
3/29/2013 PR4066-T The 941 Form for 2013 is not aligning correctly when Sage 100 workstation display settings are not set to 100% (default).

Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Update 2 (

Sage released on 3/26/2013 the second product update for version 2013 ( Product update 6 for version 4.5 was also release at this same time. Product Updates are cumulative, comprised of all program corrections found in prior updates. Smart Update will install only the programs that need to be updated since your last Product Update Installation. If you choose to install this Product Update on a system that already has Product Update 2 installed, all programs released in Product Updates 1 and 2 will be reinstalled.

Sage 100 ERP Advanced and Premium Smart Update now updates the client workstation automatically. This replaces the need to run WKsUpdate.exe after installing a product update. Users running Sage 100 ERP Standard over a network will still need to run WKsUpdate Standard.exe on each workstation. This program is located in the ..\mas90\wksetup directory on the Sage 100 ERP Standard Server. 

For Users who have also installed Sage 100 ERP 2013 CRM, beginning with Product Update 1, a Quick Order Entry Component Update.exe is installed to the ..\mas90\RWC directory. Users will need to copy and execute this file on the Sage 100 ERP 2013 CRM server if they have not already done so.

All Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Updates will require the installation to be from the Sage 100 ERP Server. Significant enhancements have been introduced in Sage 100 ERP 2013 and its Updates. These include: Smart Update, Workstation Synchronization and Sage Auto Update. Part of these enhancements requires the Product Update to make changes to the local registry, necessitating a server side installation. This Product Update can be installed from the Sage 100 ERP 2013 Server either physically at the
console or by connecting to it through Remote Desktop.
Hot Fix
3/29/2013 PR5003-T The 941 Form for 2013 is not aligning correctly when Sage 100 workstation display settings are not set to 100% (default).
5/3/2013 AP5001-T AP from AR Clearing Register hangs updating the register when clearing customers with multiple invoices.
5/08/2013 AR5002-T Cash Receipts Journal Update hangs, the message "Errors have been encountered" may also occur.
5/22/2013 LM5003-T The following conversion record failed while converting (company code) CI_SageExchange Processing" occurs during conversion process in Sage 100 ERP 2013. Or an "Error 88 SY_File.pvc 1021" or "ModuleCode_Task_UI" occurs when opening various tasks on Sage 100 Standard ERP 32-bit Workstations.
Revised: 7/2/2013
5/22/2013 SO5001-T An 'Error 42 SO_SalesJournal_upd.pvc 6652' occurs updating the Daily Sales Journal. Or an "Error 88 SY_File.pvc 1021" or "ModuleCode_Task_UI" occurs when opening various tasks on Sage 100 Standard ERP 32-bit Workstations.
Revised: 7/2/2013
6/14/2013 LM5004-T The Tray selection for a Multi-Part printer is changed by the tray selection for another printer. Or 'Unable to print . Missing parameter values' message occurs when printing a custom crystal report that contains a parameter. Or Report Performance is slower in Sage 100 ERP 2013 compared to version 4.50.
7/8/2013 LM5005-T "Cannot initialize the data source of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server" occurs when testing connection of Linked Servers on Windows Server 2008 R2 to Sage 100 data files. Or Unable to install 64-bit ODBC Driver on a workstation that only has Sage 100 Standard Workstation Setup installed.
  Sage CRM 7.1 Patch I  

Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Update 1 (

Sage released on 12/14/2012 the first product update for version 2013 ( This release was the day after the product update and is mostly product fixes that were fixed in 4.5 and also needed to be fixed in the 2013 version. Product Updates are cumulative, comprised of all program corrections found in prior updates.

Sage 100 ERP Smart Updates now update the client workstation automatically. This replaces the need to run WKsUpdate.exe after installing a product update.

For Users who have also installed Sage 100 ERP 2013 CRM, the installation of this Product Update installs a Quick Order Entry Component Update.exe to the ..\mas90\RWC directory. Users will need to copy and execute this file on the Sage 100 ERP 2013 CRM server. 

All Sage 100 ERP 2013 Product Updates will require the installation to be from the Sage 100 ERP Server. Significant enhancements are being introduced in Sage 100 ERP 2013 and its Updates. These include: Smart Update, Workstation Synchronization and Sage Auto Update. Part of these enhancements requires the Product Update to make changes to the local registry, necessitating a server side installation. The Product Update can be installed from the Sage 100 ERP 2013 Server either physically at the console or by connecting to it through Remote Desktop.

Hot Fix
3/29/13 PR5002-T The 941 Form for 2013 is not aligning correctly when Sage 100 workstation display settings are not set to 100% (default).
3/11/13 PR5001-T The Employee Totals Verification report shows a difference between the Check Totals and Employee Totals for employee with Additional Medicare Tax.
3/11/13 LM5002-T Payroll Checks will print but are not recognized as printed.
2/25/13 AR5001-T Past Due Amount Contains a Total of all Invoices.
2/25/13 GL5001-T G/L Summary Drill Down Does Not Convert Properly when Migrated from 4.50.
2/25/13 LM5001-T Sage 100 printing or preview fails when running through pvxcom.
  Sage CRM 7.1 H Hotfix 1  

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