Sage has created a Year End Center that provides valuable resources to guide you through a smooth year end closing process in Sage 100 including:  
  • Year End Tips and Checklists
  • Video Tutorials and How‐to Articles
  • Live Chat With Tech Support
  • Tax Forms, Payroll, and Report Guidance
Take advantage of this free and valuable resource!

Visit Year End Center

©2017 Juice Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. This article content may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), displayed, modified or distributed without express permission from the copyright holder.


At a high level, here are 4 things to consider as you begin closing the books on 2017 and start fresh in the new year.
  1. Backup Your Data

    Executing a complete backup of your database is one of the most important things you can do before starting any closing process. You should also test the backup to ensure it was performed successfully and the data is readable.

    If you make a mistake, the only way to “reverse” year end processing is to restore data from a backup. If you need help making sure you have a good backup system in place, contact us to get some help. We have multiple options available giving onsite as well as off site backups that provide


For General Ledger & Reporting

Here are answers to a handful of the most Frequently‐Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding General Ledger and Reporting when it comes to year end processing. 

  • Can I print financial statements for the NEXT fiscal year PRIOR to performing year end processing?

    YES. In the Fiscal Year field within the applicable report window, simply select the fiscal year to print. 

    DO NOT manually change


A long time in the making, Sage 100 Payroll 2.0. (aka “Payroll 2018”) is the next-generation payroll module that has been modernized to improve performance and user experience. Since it represents a significant change, we wanted to introduce you to a few how-to videos that should help you with a smooth transition from the legacy payroll module.

4 Tips for a Successful Year End

Here are just a few tips to keep in mind as you begin year end processing in Sage 100.
  1. General Ledger Closing ‐ While it’s a good idea to close modules in a timely fashion, the General Ledger can remain open for as long as you need while awaiting final processing (or audit adjustments) in other Modules. A GL that’s still open for 2017 will NOT prevent you from entering transactions for the new year.

  2. Payroll Planning ‐ Even if your company is on a fiscal year, you’ll need to close out payroll at the end of the calendar year. All W‐2’s and quarterly reports must be printed before payroll is closed in order to process the first payroll for 2018.

    NOTE: This does NOT apply to the new Payroll 2.0 which now allows two calendar years to be open so you don't have to run year‐end tax reports and W‐2's before processing payroll for 2018.

  3. Check Your Version Number ‐ Closing procedures can vary depending on which version of Sage 100 you’re currently running.  For Version 4.0 or above, do the following to identify both your version number and service pack:

    Select Help > About Sage 100

  4. Master Console ‐ Once you’re ready to close, you need to make sure all users are out of the system. That’s where the Master Console comes in handy. This utility provides a snapshot of all users currently logged into Sage 100, the workstation being used, what programs/tasks they’re using, and more. You can also broadcast a message to all users or even shut them down remotely.

    To launch the Master Console:

    Select File > Master Console

©2017 Juice Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. This article content may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), displayed, modified or distributed without express permission from the copyright holder.


Sage 100 and 100c Version 2018 are now available. This newest version includes enhancements for Job Cost, warehouse management, bar coding, and a roll-out of the long-anticipated Payroll 2.0. Let’s take a closer look.

Note: Some of the features covered in this article are for Sage 100c only

Job Cost and Payroll 2.0

With Sage 100 2018, both the Job Cost and Payroll modules have been totally redesigned and modernized to improve performance and usability. In both modules, many tasks have been reorganized to provide a better workflow and more efficient data entry. In particular, the following interface enhancements have been applied:

  • Data entry grids have been implemented to improve efficiency
  • Selection grids are available on most report task windows and elsewhere
  • Calculator buttons have been added to dollar amount fields
  • Calendar buttons have been added to date fields
  • Hyperlinks to related tasks have been added where applicable

Note: As a result of the extensive improvements to Payroll, the TimeCard module is not currently compatible with Payroll 2.0. However, a compatible version of TimeCard will be released in a product update during the first half of 2018.

For full details on new features and changes in Payroll, check out the Payroll 2.0 Upgrade Guide.

Inventory Management and Bar Coding

In the Inventory Management module, new status settings are now available to help you better manage warehouses:

Sage 100 2017 Product Update 3 (

The following is a list of enhancements and corrections added to Sage 100 2017.3

Product updates are cumulative; in other words, this update includes all enhancements and program corrections found in prior updates for version 2017. Smart Update will install only the programs that have been updated since your last update was installed.

Sage 100 Advanced and Premium Workstation Synchronization automatically updates the client workstations.

If you use Sage 100 Standard over a network, run WKsUpdate Standard.exe on each workstation. This program is located in the ..\mas90\wksetup folder on the server where Sage 100 2017 Standard is installed. All Sage 100 updates must be installed on the server where Sage 100 is installed.

Accounts Payable

  1. Error 26 SY_ReportUI.pvc 1453 no longer occurs when printing Accounts Payable checks and using a semicolon in the check or the stub message.
  2. A not-on-file vendor is no longer being created during Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry when entering multiple invoices for the same vendor without existing Invoice Data Entry.
  3. Error 84, AP_DeletedChangeVendors_ui.pvc 2690 no longer appears when running the Delete and Change Vendors utility when backorder or completed purchase orders exist for the vendor.

Accounts Receivable

  1. AR_SalespersonCommissionWrk UDF is now being updated by AR_SalespersonCommission LinkUpdated field when running AR Salesperson Commission Report.
  2. Customer Listing now prints only inactive employees when Customers to Print option is set to Inactive Only.
  3. The message "Salesperson is not in division ##. The default salesperson ##- for customer ##-xxx will be used" pops up when trying to adjust Finance Charge invoices in Accounts Receivable Invoice Data Entry.
  4. Statement for customers with zero balances now only print when there is activity in current month when selecting to Include Zero Balance Customers and Zero Balance Invoices 'Current Month Only'. Previously, all customers with zero balance were printing regardless of current month activity.
  5. Customer Statement printed from Customer Maintenance now keeps the Customer Number in the selection grid when changing form code.

Bill of Materials

  1. Costed Bill of Materials Report, for Selection of Bills, is now excludes the cost of the level defined.


  1. Error 1 SO_SalesOrder_Bus.pvc 1612" no longer occurs when creating a Order or Quote in Sage CRM when integrated with Sage 100 and entering a comment over 1175 characters. CU_OrderQuoteDetail.M4T cannot contain over 1000 characters.


  1. Default value is now being saved in User-Defined Field and Table Maintenance when Maximum Length is set to 1 and Control Type is either Drop-Box or List-Box.

e-Business Manager

  1. "An error occurred while attempting to process the page you requested." is no longer being returned when viewing a shopping cart with an Advanced Setting for IT_ShoppingCartHeader

Fixed Assets

  1. Deleted assets no longer show on the posting exception report when running period end processing in Sage 100.

Inventory Management

  1. In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry, item auto-complete no longer only lists miscellaneous items after accessing a customized Customer Maintenance from within Sales Order Entry or Invoice Data Entry.
  2. The 'On PO' quantity is now updated when a Purchase Order is created if Item Maintenance Reorder window is open.
  3. Warehouse description is no longer missing from Quantity Transaction History during drill down.
  4. The Inventory Sales History Report now prints when using selection criteria containing %Decrease Qty Sold Prior or %Increase Qty Sold Prior.

Library Master

  1. Error: "The save/update credit card information to Customer credit card is required." is no longer occurs when trying Make changes to a Repetitive Invoice that was upgraded from 4.50 and older.
  2. Error 60 SY_Gridhandler.pvc 1219 is no longer occurs when sorting more than 1 column on both Checks and Dep/Adjust in Reconcile Bank on Sage 100 Standard.
  3. Task scheduler is no longer ignoring company parameters as defined - Executes for company Key 1.
  4. Error:\"(Tax Code) is not numeric\" no longer occurs when selecting YES to “Do you want to change the existing sales tax schedule”. When changing a customer's zip code, the Tax Schedule updates based on ZIP XRef set up.


  1. Renumbering employees mid-month and using both employee #s in tax calculation in the same month is no longer causes tier count exceeded issues.
  2. Direct Deposit Sync error no longer occurs when a random unprintable character exists in the payload - inflating (rc = -5) error in reverb.
  3. When Payroll has expired or is no longer part of the key, CI_eFilingHistory.m4p can be run from SYZCON in order to access Federal and State eFiliing forms from history.

Purchase Order

  1. "+1.42" is no longer appended to various descriptions in the Purchase Order Entry grid when scrolling from a Master or Repeating Order.

Return Materials Authorization

  1. Error 65 SY_OpenObject.pvc 95" is no longer occurs when generating documents for a RMA subsequent to partially receiving the same RMA.
  2. Deleting a batch in RMA Receipt Entry now removes the record from RA_ReceiptTierDistribution.
  3. Credit memos generated from RMA now correctly debit the Inventory G/L Account from Miscellaneous Item Maintenance. Previously, credit memos generated from RMA both debited and credited the Cost of Goods G/L Account from Miscellaneous Item Maintenance.

Sales Order

  1. In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry, auto complete now returns the same list of items when adding lines after using the Customer No. hyperlink to open Customer Maintenance, when Customer Maintenance has been customized.
  2. Pay Balance box is now available for selection in Sales Order Invoice Data Entry when a deposit is processed in Sales Order Entry.
  3. When using Sales Order Defaults the Ship date is based on options for default days until quote expires.
  4. In Shipping Data Entry, when entering a shipped quantity and clicking the Next Package No. or Item Packaging buttons, the row is now saved.
  5. In a new quote, Print Pick Sheets box is now checked when the Default setting is checked for Print Pick Sheets.

Visual Integrator

  1. When running Visual Integrator Export using AR_CashReceiptsDetail as primary table and exporting data from AR_CashReceiptsHeader as well, data is now exported from both tables. Previously, only data from AR_CashReceiptsDetail was being exported.
  2. Warehouse Type is now corrected after importing causing issues with MRP report.

Sage 100 Supported Versions - as of 2018

Sage officially supports the current plus 3 prior versions of Sage 100. With the release of Sage 100 2018, here’s the updated list of supported versions and retirement dates:

Sage 100 (Standard, Advanced, Premium) 2018 2017 2016 2015
Release Date Oct 2017  Oct 2016 Nov 2015 Apr 2015
Sage Phone Support Retirement 1 9/30/2021  9/30/2020 9/30/2019 9/30/2018
Year End IRD Updates 12/31/2020
(Use eFiling & Reporting)
(Use eFiling & Reporting) 
(Use eFiling & Reporting)
(Use eFiling & Reporting)
Tax Table Updates N/A 12/31/2019 
Product Updates March 2019 March 2018  June 2017 June 2016
Hot Fixes 6/30/2020 6/30/2019  6/30/2018 6/30/2017
Online Support Knowledge Base Yes Yes Yes Yes

MBA will support customers on plan for all versions of Sage 100.

©2017 Juice Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. This article content may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), displayed, modified or distributed without express permission from the copyright holder.

Sage 100 2018 Product Update 1 (

The following is a list of corrections and selected enhancements added to Sage 100 2018.1
For a full list of Enhancements, refer to the What's New page inside the Product.

Product updates are cumulative; in other words, this update includes all enhancements and program corrections found in prior updates for version 2018. Smart Update will install only the programs that have been updated since your last update was installed.

Workstation Synchronization has been enhanced to update Sage 100 Standard Workstations along with Sage 100 Advanced and Premium Workstations. Sage 100 Standard Users are no longer required to run WksUpdate Standard.exe on each Sage 100 Standard Workstation. 

All Sage 100 updates must be installed on the server where Sage 100 is installed.

Accounts Payable

  1. AP invoice entry - Get 'The Vendor Number is no longer required' message when launching vendor maintenance from hyperlink and the vendor number isn't blank.

Accounts Receivable

  1. Wrong amount for discounts are not allowed and AR GL accounts posted to GL shown on Sales Journal Recap by Division when printing/updating.

Bill of Materials

  1. Costed Bill of Materials Report run for Selection of Bills is now ignoring Integer Unit of Measure for Miscellaneous Charges.
  2. Component Item Extended description now shows in the picking sheet print out when you pick more than one bill item to print.


  1. New Sales Order Quote in Sage 100 no longer blanks out Order Type when CRM OTF Order opportunity is chosen.
  2. When Launching Customer Maintenance and editing the customer immediately after linking a company to a customer, the message "Record has been changed by another user and the changes will not be saved upon accept" no longer occurs.
  3. The Memo button is now visible when accessing Customer Maintenance from Sage CRM.

Inventory Management

  1. Unit Cost discrepancies have been corrected for FIFO component items in BOM Production Entry and Disassembly, after removing zero quantity tiers.
  2. Corrected Inventory Transaction update to prompt to print "Daily Transaction Register" instead of "Job Daily Transaction Register".
  3. Retail Price is no longer disabled after clicking on the Additional Tab in Item Maintenance when Allow Returns is deselected.

Job Cost

  1. Added validation in Cost Types to not allow special characters. Increased size of Valid Cost Type field to 36 characters.
  2. PO Receipt Register and PO Return Register update hangs when there are multiple lines which include Job Cost detail.

Library Master

  1. An Error: "11 SWQMAO 1535" no longer occurs when modifying a lookup for a User Defined Table.
  2. Restrict Accounting Date to Current and One Future Period" no longer allows users to change posting date to more than one future period.
  3. Workstation Synchronization has been enhanced to update Sage 100 Standard Workstations.

Paperless Office

  1. Paperless Office output "Print/PDF for Print Delivery Option" is now available in Direct Deposit Stub Printing when "Deliver During Check Register Update" is not selected in Paperless Office Form Maintenance.

Purchase Order

  1. Purchase Order History records are no longer removed when purging obsolete purchase orders.
  2. The Purchase Order Variance Register no longer only shows the First Invoice number in the Last Invoice Number field when there are 2 Receipt of Invoices posted in the same update after 1 complete Receipt of Goods.

Return Materials Authorization

  1. Option category now prints the actual option description in RMA printing.
  2. RMA Return Reason Report is printing the serial number for item whose Product Line default           Valuation is not Serial.

Sales Order

  1. Balance is not due on invoice paid by credit card that are manually processed, non integrated credit card transactions.
  2. In Sales Order Entry or SO Invoice Data Entry, if a "Kit" Bill is exploded and the component's Ordered quantity exceeds 9,999,999.####, it no longer zeroes out the quantity when the quantity has not exceeded the mask.
  3. The "Promoted to Order On" field is no longer populated with a date for Back Ordered type Sales Orders, when a Standard Order is partially shipped and a Back Order is created.
  4. Tax Detail, Taxable Freight, and the Taxable Amount fields are now correct in SO invoice when created in Shipping Data Entry, and when changing the Ship Via and not refreshing the shipping tab

Visual Integrator

  1. PR_PayrollHeader import job Perform Logic is not duplicated when creating a new PR_PayrollHeader import and select to copy from an existing Import job.
  2. Error 41 VI_ImportJobCompile.pvc 1140 is no longer occurs when clicking Accept in Import Job Maintenance if Skip Record is defined in records tab in Sage 100 2018.

Sage CRM

Why Mobility Matters With CRM

Perhaps more than any other department in your company, sales people spend as much time on the road as they do in the office. To stay productive, they need access to data, transactions, and customer information wherever they are. That’s why mobility matters when it comes to CRM. In this article, we’ll explain why.

It’s More Than Window Dressing

The ability to use CRM on a mobile device is about more than just keeping up with industry trends or wowing companies with gee whiz technology. There’s real business benefit in making sure that


The #1 Customer-Requested Add-on

According to a 2017 survey that Sage conducted of customers, accounts payable automation was the most requested new functionality. So it should come as no surprise that Sage recently introduced

Sage CRM 2017 R2 - What's New

Sage CRM 2017 R2 (Release 2) is now available, featuring key updates to the calendar functions along with several enhancements in other areas of the software. Here’s a look at the best features in this newest product release.

Calendar Enhancements

Building on enhancements in recent releases, the Sage CRM Calendar continues to evolve. When it comes to the Team Calendar, 2017 R2 adds the ability to view appointments assigned to team members within the new Timeline View. You can even customize colors used to represent each user or team member.

In addition, the Month View has been reinstated and shows appointments that you and your colleagues have planned for the selected month. This release also adds the option to print calendars.
Sage CRM Timeline View in Team Calendar

Email Enhancements

The built-in email client in Sage CRM 2017 R2 introduces new

Sage 100 Supported Versions - as of 2017

Sage officially supports the current plus 3 prior versions of Sage 100. With the release of Sage 100 2017, here’s the updated list of supported versions and retirement dates:

Sage 100 (Standard, Advanced, Premium) 2017 2016 2015 2014
Release Date Oct 2016 Nov 2015 Apr 2015 Feb 2014
Sage Phone Support Ends 1 9/30/2020 9/30/2019 9/30/2018 9/30/2017
Year End IRD Updates 12/31/2019
(Use eFiling & Reporting)
(Use eFiling & Reporting)
(Use eFiling & Reporting)
(Use eFiling & Reporting)
Tax Table Updates 12/31/2019
Product Updates June 2018 June 2017 June 2016 Nov 2015
Hot Fixes 6/30/2019 6/30/2018 6/30/2017 12/31/2016
Online Support Knowledge Base Yes Yes Yes Yes

MBA will support customers on plan for all versions of Sage 100.

©2017 Juice Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. This article content may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), displayed, modified or distributed without express permission from the copyright holder.

Tax Table Update for Sage 100 - 7/12/2017

Sage release a notice today that the Tax Table has an update for Sage 100. Below is the email:
Sage 100 Tax Table Update 7 12 2017

Sage 100 2016 Product Update 5 (

The following is a list of enhancements and corrections added to Sage 100 2016.5

Product updates are cumulative; in other words, this update includes all enhancements and program corrections found in prior updates for version 2016. Smart Update will install only the programs that have been updated since your last update was installed.

Sage 100 Advanced and Premium Workstation Synchronization automatically updates the client workstations.

If you use Sage 100 Standard over a network, run WKsUpdate Standard.exe on each workstation. This program is located in the ..\mas90\wksetup folder on the server where Sage 100 2017 Standard is installed. All Sage 100 updates must be installed on the server where Sage 100 is installed.

An update to the Sage Exchange Desktop (SED 2.0) is available from our web site( after registering for and logging into the Sage Customer or Partner Portal.
  • Download and install the Sage 100 SED 2.0 Update (AR5005T KBID 75641) on the Sage 100 2016 Server.
  • At each Sage 100 Workstation that processes Credit Card transactions, run the Sage Exchange Desktop2.0.exe (requires Administrator privileges). This program can be found on the Sage 100 2016 Server,located in the ..\MAS90\wksetup folder.

Sage 100 2017 Product Update 2 (

The following is a list of enhancements and corrections added to Sage 100 2017.2

Product updates are cumulative; in other words, this update includes all enhancements and program corrections found in prior updates for version 2017. Smart Update will install only the programs that have been updated since your last update was installed.

Sage 100 Advanced and Premium Workstation Synchronization automatically updates the client workstations.

If you use Sage 100 Standard over a network, run WKsUpdate Standard.exe on each workstation. This program is located in the ..\mas90\wksetup folder on the server where Sage 100 2017 Standard is installed. All Sage 100 updates must be installed on the server where Sage 100 is installed.

Sage 100 - The Road Ahead - 2017

During the Sage Summit conference in May this year, Sage delivered a “Road Ahead” presentation that gives us a glimpse of the product development goals and new features that are coming to Sage 100. Here’s a look at what’s to come in 2017 and beyond.

Payroll 2.0 Expected in October 2017

If you’ve read previous newsletters, you’ll recognize that Sage has been hard at work enhancing the Sage 100 payroll module for a while now. The long-anticipated Payroll 2.0 will be included with Sage 100 Version 2018 which is expected for release later this year in October. In addition,

New Usability Enhancements in Sage 100 Version 2017

With any new release, we often see a collection of features called usability enhancements. These aren’t typically headline-grabbing features that everyone eagerly anticipates. However, depending on your workflow and how you use Sage 100, these minor tweaks can turn into huge time-savers. So here’s a look at some of the global usability enhancements included in Sage 100 Version 2017.

Enhanced Auto-Complete Search

When using the auto-complete feature, your search criteria is now compared with all words within the searched fields. Previously, Sage 100 considered

Sage 100 2016 Product Update 4 (

The following is a list of enhancements and corrections added to Sage 100 2016.4 and released on February 21, 2017.

Product updates are cumulative; in other words, this update includes all enhancements and program corrections found in prior updates for version 2016. Smart Update will install only the programs that have been updated since your last update was installed.

Sage 100 Advanced and Premium Workstation Synchronization automatically updates the client workstations. If you use Sage 100 Standard over a network, run WKsUpdate Standard.exe on each workstation. This program is located in the ..\mas90\wksetup folder on the server where Sage 100 2016 Standard is installed. 

All Sage 100 updates must be installed on the server where Sage 100 is installed.
An update to the Sage Exchange Desktop (SED 2.0) is available from our web site ( after registering for and logging into the Sage Customer or Partner Portal.

  • Download and install the Sage 100 SED 2.0 Update (AR5005T KBID 75641) on the Sage 100 2016 Server.

  • At each Sage 100 Workstation that processes Credit Card transactions, run the Sage Exchange Desktop 2.0.exe (requires Administrator privileges). This program can be found on the Sage 100 2016 Server, located in the ..\MAS90\wksetup folder.

Sage Software Releases Multi-Bin Basic for Sage 100c

Are you looking for Multi-Bin with Sage 100? After years of waiting, a big announcement has been made related to Sage 100 and Multi-Bin.
In a recent email, Sage announced Multi-Bin Basic for Sage 100c. This Basic version of DSD's (3rd party developer) Multi-Bin enhancement is being released with the Subscription version of Sage 100 (Sage 100c). What makes this even better is that Scanforce (warehouse management developer) announced their EXCLUSIVE arrangement with Sage and their integration to the Basic Multi-Bin. Here is Scanforce's announcement:

ScanForce Email Announcement 2 17 2017

Sage 100 2017 Product Update 1 (

The following is a list of enhancements and corrections added to Sage 100 2017 and released on February 21, 2017.

Product updates are cumulative; in other words, this update includes all enhancements and program corrections found in prior updates for version 2017. Smart Update will install only the programs that have been updated since your last update was installed.

Sage 100 Advanced and Premium Workstation Synchronization automatically updates the client workstations. If you use Sage 100 Standard over a network, run WKsUpdate Standard.exe on each workstation.

This program is located in the ..\mas90\wksetup folder on the server where Sage 100 2017 Standard is installed. All Sage 100 updates must be installed on the server where Sage 100 is installed.

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