Stepping Over Dollars To Pick Up Pennies
Have you ever heard the old saying, “You’re stepping over dollars to pick up pennies?” If you are like me, you have not only heard the saying but may have used it a time or two. The topic that we are covering this month ties right into the saying.
This month we will be talking about training. You’re probably asking yourself what correlation does training have to do with that saying. Having your business perform at its maximum when employees and software are involved can be a challenge. What are we talking about here? We are not just talking about software that does a function in your company. While it is working we have no complaints and think that everything is going great, or worse, what we don’t know about is not hurting us. We are talking about getting that software investment to make you more money in ways that you may not be aware of. How many people were trained when your system was installed?
Hopefully, you cross trained two, three or more. Training is usually one of the first things that a company may not look at as an investment but should. In today’s ever changing economic conditions many businesses are experiencing different aspects of their business they have never experienced before. Many businesses are going to new business models that range from two or three people being cross-trained because they are doing the work of another employee that is no longer there. No matter what your circumstances may be or what your company may be experiencing MBA Business Software is working with businesses like yours to make sure that your business does not fall behind.
It is money invested in training that makes an employee more knowledgeable, therefore more valuable to your company. We have found that once software has been purchased, many companies cut corners on sufficient training. When you really take a look, your company may be missing out on quite a few very key things. Every year there are many updates to software that make the use of the product easier and sometimes faster to run, therefore letting your employee work on other office related duties. Other times there are features released that you have needed or asked for and the employee who was trained is unaware of any of the latest and greatest updates. He or she does not know how to get you the information that you are requesting.
In such an ever changing technological world it is very key to point out that without consistent training and refresher courses, money is going to fall through the cracks. If asked, “Would you let your employee fly a plane you were on if he or she knew 10% of what it takes to fly”? You would probably laugh or simply say, “No!” Don’t you think that your business is just as important as knowing how to fly a plane or for that matter doing anything above 10%?
In most professions you have to keep a certain rating or training class schedule up in order to continue teaching, flying, driving etc. What’s the difference? Really, there is none. MBA Business Software will look at any current concerns or needs that your company may be having and create solutions that would apply. MBA has a list of training all businesses should plan for. Take a look and give us a call today to schedule training or a free consultation for your business.
Here Are The Types Of User Training You Should Plan For:
- Initial training for newly acquired software covering each application module and system operation. At least one person should achieve Lead Operator level proficiency per module.
- Hands Up training with an instructor on site for first few days when going live.
- Backup Operator level cross-training for employees who will fill in during periods of volume overload, Lead Operators absences, and for transition during employee turnover.
- New employee training for established installations: and abbreviated initial training curriculum that is supplemented by on-the-job assistance from co-workers.
- Refresher training for all users to reinforce proper operation and procedures.
- New software release training identifying the differences between prior versions and new features.