Does Sage 100 Work with Windows 11?
With the release of Microsoft Windows 11 in October 2021, you might be wondering when you can start using Sage 100 with Microsoft’s newest operating system. According to this recent Sage Knowledgebase article, the Sage engineering team will begin compatibility testing for both Sage 100 2020 and Sage 100 2021 shortly after the Windows 11 release. If all goes well, Windows 11 should be supported with Sage 100 by the end of this year.
Sage 100 2022, targeted for release March/April 2022, is also expected to work with Windows 11.
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Sage 100 2022, targeted for release March/April 2022, is also expected to work with Windows 11.
©2021 Juice Marketing, LLC. All rights This article content may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), displayed, modified or distributed without express permission from the copyright holder.