MBA-Business-Software-company-blog Everyone has something to say and that goes for people here at MBA Business Software.
This is the General Blog for our employees to post information about things related to what we do at MBA.

More Jobs coming to Georgia thanks to the Panama Canal

Written by Todd Martin on .

Jobs-increase-to-Georgia-via-shipping-through-Panama-CanalChanges to the Panama Canal are predicted to increase shipping to Southeastern ports according to a Boston Consulting Group study that was noted in a recent Fortune article. The study estimated that about 10 percent of East Asian container traffic to the United States will shift from West Coast ports to East Coast ports by 2020. Ports identified in the south that will benefit from this increase are Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina. In a recent newsletter, APICS had this to say:

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Merry Christmas - 2013

Written by Todd Martin on .

MBA Business Software

wishes a Merry Christmas to all

our Customers, Friends, and Family

Christmas wreath 
Our employees have diverse religious beliefs as do most business entities so individually, we will be following our own customs. MBA Business software will be closed during Christmas (December 25th). We hope that during this day that everyone, celebrating Christmas or not, has a wonderful day with friends, family and loved ones.

Some symbols of Christmas that can be seen during this time are:
  • Holly - The evergreen bush with sharp-toothed edges on the leaf reminds us of the crown of thorns Christ wore. The red holly berry represents Christ's blood, shed for all people including those who reject Him.
  • Gifts - Gifts were inspired by the wise men who brought their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  • Christmas Tree - Many pagan cultures worshipped evergreens, saw them as symbols of immortality, and used them to ward off evil spirits. In the early 700's, Saint Boniface, who converted the German people to Christianity, demolished the Oak of Thor, the mighty sacred tree worshipped by the Saxons. From its roots grew a fir tree which Boniface took as a sign of the Christian faith. In the 11th century, Paradise plays portrayed the tree of Paradise, decorated with red apples. During the 15thcentury, the faithful began to erect trees in their homes on December 24, the feast day of Adam and Eve. About the year 1500, Martin Luther, inspired by a snow covered fir tree, brought a small tree indoors and decorated it with candles in honor of Christ's birth. By the 18th century, the custom of decorating a Christmas tree was well established in France, Germany, and Austria. Thus, the Christmas tree represents the original Tree of Paradise, the burning bush which spoke to Moses, the branch of Jesse from which Jesus was born, the life-giving tree of the cross of Christ, and the tree which St. John the Apostle saw in the Book of Revelations whose leaves have medicine for the people and which yields fruit each month for the healing of the nations. Because it is green year-round, the evergreen tree represents hope. Its needles and its narrow crest point upward, turning our thoughts to heaven. Because the tree is cut down and then erected again, it is a symbol of Christ's resurrection.

Other Christmas Symbols

Stay ahead of sales tax changes

Written by Todd Martin on .

Sales tax, at both the state and federal levels, is evolving every day.

Regardless of which industry you're in or whether you sell online, pending legislation such as the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) of 2013 could dramatically affect your business.

How might this and other recent legislation changes impact you in the rest of 2013 and beyond?

Attend this FREE educational webinar and learn about:

  • The current state of sales tax legislation, including "Amazon Laws" and MFA
  • Tips for identifying and mitigating your audit risk
  • Ways to be ready for the changes, including sales tax automation tools for your Sage 100 ERP and/or eCommerce system
btn registernow 
Register now to join us on October 24, 2013 at 10 AM EDT

ADDED BONUS: Each attendee will receive a copy of the whitepaper, The Definitive Guide to Sales & Use Tax. It's your one-stop reference and state-by-state look at all things sales and use tax related.

Sage Symposium 2013 - Atlanta

Written by Todd Martin on .

MBA will be participating in the Sage hosted one-day, no-cost symposium in Atlanta on January 17. Register today for this event and get the insider perspective on business trends and technologies that will shape your business. This is a great time to meet up with us from MBA and see what is coming up in the next release. Learn how KnowledgeSync can be used to alert you of changes with your data. Have an email sent to you when an item is below miniumum stock or a customer is over credit limit. Find out how you can use Avalara to simplify your Sales Tax Calculation, Certificates, and Filing Returns.

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Hair on Fire Rocks Sage Summit 2012

Written by Chris Bishop on .

Sage Summit 2012 is a rockin’ place to be! Three partner bands battled it out at Sage's Partner Appreciation Party for bragging rights and the opportunity to perform at the Grand Ole Opry. On Monday Night, MBA's Matt Scheff, competed in this battle as a member of Hair on Fire. All of the teams were comprised of talented musicians from across the Sage community. After the bands battled the night away votes were tallied for the favorite band at the party. Once the results were configured they revealed that Hair on Fire had won! MBA's very own Matt Scheff was part of the selected band! We sincerely appreciate everyone that came out to the event and took the time to vote!

Follow our twitter feed @mbabsi for LIVE updates of Sage Summit 2012 

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90 Minds
90 Minds Consulting Group is an 
association of proactive consulting professionals who combine technology skills while still operating their own independent companies.

MBA Business Software
6100 Lake Forrest Drive, 
Suite 520
Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328
(P) 678-495-5700 
(F) 770-399-5772

Remote Office
Chicago, Illinois
