Murphy’s Law - "If anything can go wrong, it will.”
With the new year approaching, there are a few business topics and 2009 goals worth consideration. Many people might think of Murphy in negative terms but it is really quite the opposite. Murphy’s Law says that if something can go wrong, it will — and at the most inopportune time. Keeping Murphy in mind is the first step in making a business Murphy-proof. Murphy’s Law can seem undeniable. But do things really have to break just when the warranty expires? This is a good time to look at ways of keeping Mr. Murphy out of sight during the next year.
We would like to share with you a recent incident that happened to a MBA Business Software customer. Recently one of our customers called for technical help with their main computer that held all of their vital company documents. The problem was that their computer crashed and they did not have access to any of their files they needed to conduct business from day to day. The biggest problem of all was not that their computer crashed and took the company’s data with it; the biggest problem was they had not been backing up the computer consistently so the majority of the data was lost. Luckily MBA Business Software was the insurance policy they needed and we were able to save their data, and their
year’s work of 2008.
The year 2009 is right around the corner and with our hopes of a prosperous new year for you we need to take precautions to make sure that your business is secure for a prosperous 2009. MBA Business Software has many different services for Software Support Account, Certified Training and even Network Services that will help to keep you Murphy proof. We want 2009 to be the turning point in your company’s growth and prosperity. Take a look at the top five areas that MBA feels would benefit your 2009 business
Top 5 Business Checklist 2009
- MAS 90 year end backup (see our notification email regarding year end closing seminar)
- Virus Software Subscription and all systems updated properly.
- Upgrade all modules / make sure all are compliant
- All employees are trained sufficently
- Regular Network Maintenance