Give a piece of your mind to Sage
Sage software is listening but is anyone talking? Over the years people have suggested things to Sage via emails, webinars, and in person at events. But there has never been a place to go and see what people have suggested nor vote on what you think is important to have in the software. Now there is such a place
The link will take you to a website to vote on suggestions and to make your own suggestions. Don't feel that MAS 90 or MAS 200 is working the way it should and you want to change that. Then use this website to get the word out. To really get your message accross, try to recuruit other MAS 90 and MAS 200 users to go to the website and vote. This system only works if we participate in it. If they don't get enough votes then they will not add the suggestion to the list.
When posting a suggestion, it is best not to give a solution. Instead tell them the business need or fuction that you require. A need may be to allow multiple deposits to a sales order. Do not go into how that need would be accomplished. If you have a suggestion on how that can be accomplished leave it as a comment for others to read. Remember your goal is to have others vote on your suggestion.
In our case of allowing multiple deposits on a sales order we can give the example of a customer with three divisions that would like to put a deposit down for a sales order with different credit cards for each division. It is very time consuming and usually requires different staff to go to Accounts Reveivable and enter Cash Receipts to the account. This process requires that the cash receipts credit applied to the account be applied to the sales order once it becomes an invoice. There may be different ways to solve the solution but they are workarounds for something that should work in AR as it does in SO.
So go forth and tell everyone about Sage's new suggestion box and lets make MAS 90 and MAS 200 a better product that can help our companies do work.