With the release of Sage 100 ERP 2014 and the introduction of the Sage Data Cloud, your system received an impressive boost in mobility and functionality this past year. Sage 100 ERP also made it easier for you to process credit card payments and connect to the business intelligence reports you need. Here's a look at the year in review.
Year End Closing Tips and Resources Overview of Year End Processing for GL and Reporting At a high level, these are the steps to consider as you begin closing the books on 2014 and starting fresh in the new year.
Year End Checklists Handy year end closing checklists for General Ledger, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable to help ensure that all procedures are processed in the proper order.
Year End FAQs Here are answers to a handful of the most Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding General Ledger and Reporting when it comes to year-end processing.
Spotlight On: Sage CRM How CRM Improves Customer Service
Most people know that CRM is synonymous with Sales and Marketing. But did you know that CRM systems can also be used to improve customer service? Technology like Sage CRM can help your service and support teams deliver a consistent customer experience, resolve issues faster, and improve customer satisfaction and retention.
Following is a collection of important product updates, changes, and version retirements that you should be aware of as you close out 2014 and look ahead to 2015.
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