Sage 100 ERP Intelligence Reporting Answers To Your Frequently-Asked Questions
Many of you recently made, or are planning to make, a transition from FRx to Sage Intelligence Reporting. So here's a look at some Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) from our customers, along with a quick review of recent changes to Sage Intelligence Reporting for Sage 100 ERP 2014.
Spotlight On: Sage CRM How it Works With Your ERP System
In the past, we've explored how CRM software can organize and automate sales, marketing, and customer service in much the same way that Sage 100 ERP does for accounting, reporting, inventory, financial management, and more.
But in this article, we want to focus how Sage CRM works together with your Sage 100 ERP system to help you understand why companies are increasingly prioritizing an integrated approach to CRM and ERP.
Sage Inspire Tour Back on the Road Coming to a Town Near You!
It all began last year when a group of Sage Executives went out on the road - touring North America in an RV - to gain a perspective about what customers like you need and want out of your Sage business software.
The Sage Inspire Tour in 2013 was a fantastic success.
So starting in the Fall of 2014, the Sage Inspire Tour goes back on the road with current plans to stop in about 14 major cities in the U.S. and Canada.
At each stop, Sage will host a series of discussions where you’ll have an opportunity to connect with your peers and talk about the challenges you face in your business. It’s not just a day of presentations or product demos - the Sage team wants to hear from customers like you and learn how technology can help you achieve your business goals.
Sage 100 ERP (aka MAS 90 / MAS 200) Version 4.4 Retirement 9/30/14
In accordance with standard Sage support policy, product support for Sage 100 (aka MAS 90 or MAS 200) Version 4.4 is officially retired as of September 30, 2014.
Note: Final tax table and year-end updates are provided in the year prior to retirement - December 31, 2013 in this case. Therefore, Payroll tax table and year-end updates for Version 4.4 will NOT be available for December 31, 2014.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you’d like to plan for, discuss, or begin an upgrade to a currently-supported version.
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90 Minds Consulting Group is an association of proactive consulting professionals who combine technology skills while still operating their own independent companies.
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