Crystal Reports and Visual Integrator Classes for June 2010

If you have thought about taking Crystal Reports or Visual Integrator classes, this may be an ideal time to do it. You may have accumulated enough Earned Training Hours to take them for just the cost of your manuals. If your company is upgrading to Sage MAS 90 or MAS 200 version 4.3 or 4.4 in the near future, you may be aware that most of your custom Crystal Reports will need modifying. These classes will enable you to do many of these on your own. Data File Structures it is a pre-requisite for both classes and will be offered first. Please call Jerolyn at 678-495-5714, to find out how many available Earned Training Hours you have and to register. Please register by Wednesday June 2, 2010 for the Data File Structures Class, so we will have time to order your manual. Don’t pass up this opportunity to take these courses at a fraction of their normal cost!
Class | Dates | Cost | Manual Only Cost | Hours |
Data File Structures | June 9th 2010 | $395.00 | $72.00 | 8 |
Introduction to Crystal Reports | June 22nd to June 23rd 2010 | $790.00 | $146.00 | 16 |
Crystal Reports - Beyond the Basics | July 13th to July 14th 2010 | $790.00 | $146.00 | 16 |
Visual Integrator | July 27th to July 28th 2010 | $790.00 | $145.00 | 16 |