Sage MAS 90 & 200 ERP Product Update 8 (

Written by Chris Bishop on .

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The following is a list of enhancements and corrections that have been incorporated for Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200 version 4.40 in this Product Update. Product Updates are cumulative, containing all program corrections found in prior updates.

After installing this Product Update, WKsUpdate 90.exe or WKsUpdate 200.exe needs to be run on each MAS Workstation. This file is located in the ..\mas90\WkSetup directory on the MAS Server. (WKsUpdate should also be run anytime WkSetup.exe is run on a MAS Workstation.)

Accounts Payable

1. Error 20 no longer occurs when you have AP Options "Sort Invoice Registers by Vendor Name" checked, and you run the AP Invoice Payment Listing.


1.  UDF data in IM_SalesKitDetail is now copied to a new Sales Kit's when using the "Copy From" feature in Sales Kit Maintenance

General Ledger

1. G/L accounts are now deleted after processing year end

 Inventory Management

  1. Re-freezing inventory items will now retain quantities on hand manually counted and entered.
  2. Inventory Recalculate Item History now includes and updates adjustment transactions forquantities that are generated by the IM Balance Quantity anda History utility
  3. Item Maintenance Transactions Tab quantities summed below the list box now include adjustment transactions created by the IM Balance Inventory Quantity and Cost utility.
  4. The hidden utility IM_BalanceQtyOnHand_ui has been replaced with a new utility. The new utility is named IM Balance Inventory Quantity and Cost and is located on the *UTL menu.
  5. File/Run, type in the Program field *UTL, click OK. Select the new utility on the mAS 90 Utilities menu.
  6. Two new hidden utilities have been added: IM_CommitCheckClear_utl and IM_ClearCommitDataEntry_utl. Please call Support for assistance in using these two new utilities.
  7. In Disassembly Register, Negative Tier Register, Physical Count Var Register, Material Req Issue Register, Receipt Register, Return Register, Work Order Journal update no longer orphans values in the Cost Calc Cost Committed and Cost Calc Quantity Committed fields when a connection is lost during the update.
  8. A new utility has been added: IM Balance Inventory Quantity and Cost. It is located on the *UTL menu.
  9. Negative issue transactions for average cost items are now posted with the Warehouse Average Cost.
  10. Item Maintenance Tab 6-Orders now uses correct Extended Description when it is changed on the fly in Purchase Order or Sales Order Entry.
  11. Card Count Report unit cost field is no longer zero for all inventory items.

Job Cost

  1.  Job Estimate Item detail now prints the descriptions for Assembly Items 

 Library Master

  1. During Parallel MigrationSystem files NO longer fails to convert with the following error: Error updating SY_SagePEPTrack: PHYSICAL UPDATE ABORT: SY_SagePEPTrack when running
  2. MD added menus are now added to the Launcher after migration

 Material Requirements Planning

  1. MRP is now showing component demand in the correct warehouse group

 Magnetic Media

  1. W2 Electronic Reporting has been modified according to the Social Security Administration's 2011 Specifications for Filing Forms W2 Electronically (EFW2) publication. The 2011 modifications: In W2 Electronic Reporting new field Kind of Employer has been added. "RE" Record--new required field Kind of Employer position 174."RW" Record--Cost of Employer Sponsored Health Coverage position 463-473 "RO" Record--Designated Roth Contributions Under a Governmental Section 457 position 111-121,"RT" Record--Cost of Employer Sponsored Health Coverage position 295-309 "RU" Record--Designated Roth Contributions Under a Governmental Section 457 position145-159
  2. In 1099 Electronic Reporting when a Minimum YTD Payment is entered a 1099-MISC "B" record will be created for vendors either have or do not have Misc Box 9 selected in Vendor Maintenance.

 Purchase Order

  1. G/L Account substitution is now correct for P/O Receipt of Invoice variance posting when posting by warehouse.
  2. The purchase order now retains status of New if the inventory item has not been received
  3. Completed drop ship purchase orders no longer display in I/M Item Maintenance or Item Inquiry Orders tab for PO's
  4. Item Maintenance "On PO" quantity is now correct
  5. Receipt of Goods Entry Error 45 no longer occurs.
  6. PO's that have had a return of goods processed against them can now be edited.
  7. Auto Reorder Listing now includes the issued quantities with the Quantity Sold.


For Federal eFiling and Reporting of the W-2s, the employee e-mail address will now populate the Electronic Delivery column in the W2/1099 Preparer. If you have not done so already, to set up the employee's e-mail address you will need to do the following:

Paperless Office:

    1. From Paperless Office Setup menu select Options. Select the Forms checkbox.
    2. From Paperless Office Setup menu select Form Maintenance. Complete the following:
      1. Company Code
      2. Module Code (P/R)
      3. Document (Direct Deposit Stub)
      4. PDF Directory
      5. Override Password/Confirm Password


    1. From Payroll Setup menu select Options. On the Direct Deposit tab select Require Direct Deposit checkbox.
    2. From the Payroll Main menu select Employee Maintenance. Select employee, select the Direct Deposit checkbox and then click the Direct Deposit button.
    3. On the Direct Deposits window click the Paperless button.
    4. On the Paperless Office Delivery Options window complete the following:
      1. PDF Document Password
      2. E-mail Address (for employee).
      3. Accept

After setting up the e-mail address for an employee, if that employee is not paid by Direct Deposit you may deselect the Direct Deposit checkbox on the Main panel in Employee Maintenance. The e-mail address entered will be retained. You will need to perform the Payroll steps 2 through 4 for each employee you want to set up with an e-mail address.

    1. New W2 Box 12 Codes DD & EE have been added for W2 Federal eFiling and Reporting.
    2. New field Kind of Employer has been added to Federal eFiling and Reporting for W2 Reporting.
    3. In Federal eFiling and Reporting new local codes have been added for Ohio.
    4. Deduction Code Maintenance and W2 Form Printing have been modified to allow entry of new Box 12 Code DD & EE.
    5. Federal eFiling and Reporting has been updated with new federal tax codes for Puerto Rico and local codes for Ohio.

 Visual Integrator

  1. New inventory items are now imported into Inventory Delete and Change Utility when the new item is the ALIAS of the original item.
  2. The Offset Account is now imported correctly into GL_TransactionJournalheader.
  3. Lines are now populated when importing into SO_SalesOrderHeader based on a Repeating Order after upgrading

Work Order Processing

  1. The Extension in Work Order Inquiry / Transaction tab now uses the Number of Decimals inCost Entries from Common Information.
  2. Phantom Bill can now be reversed in Work Order Entry
  3. Quantity is now correct after processing a Work Order completion to multiple warehouses if the second warehouse is a new warehouse.
  4. Error 13 WOWDAB 8112 no longer occurs in selecting Make For Sales Order in Work Order Entry and using keyboard shortcuts.

Tags: Product Update v4.40

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